28-Days of Intentional Dreaming
Decode Your Dreams and Enrich Your Life
Dreams are your Soul’s sacred emissaries who deliver encoded messages, magical keys, and wise counsel for navigating life.
Join our Dreaming Community for a 28-day Journey of Intentional Dreaming. In the darkness of Winter you will learn to incubate, deepen, and decode your dreams through animistic practices, soul work, and optional microdosing of Blue Lotus tea, the ancient plant spirit medicine known as the dream flower.
"After completing the 28 day course with Angela, I feel much more confident interpreting my dreams. I have always had a very active dream life, and I often felt confused and overwhelmed by my dreams. I now have practical tools to work with my dreams, and have found that my dream recall as well as the messages from my dreams are much more clear. Dreaming went from a part of my life that felt like a burden to something that felt like a gift. Thank you Angela!"
- - Breanna, Teacher, Vancouver Island
Intentional Dreaming
Meet your Intentional Dreaming Community and learn how connected intention brings energy and clarity to your dreaming practice
Learn about sleep hygiene and how to create your Sacred Dreaming Space
Discussion of dreamwork tools and dream recall basics.
Introduction to working with Plant Spirit Medicine.
Begin decoding your dream language by accessing your unique ClairSenses
Develop Dream Journalling practices and skills for clarifying dream language
Resolve and deepen your understanding through Spirit Journeys (shamanic)
Grounding practices through the Dream Altar
Accessing emotional insights and healing through dreamwork
Remain neutral with recurring dreams, difficult dreams, and visitations
Working with Dream Allies
Explore rituals to align with Seasonal energies and receive dreaming support
Practical dream integration
Protection and boundaries in dreams
Weaving together Divination and Intentional Dreaming
Moving forward - Dreamwork and Visioning for the future
Closing Ceremony
28-Days of Intentional Dreaming includes the option of meeting, aligning, and receiving support through microdosing Blue Lotus tea.
PLEASE NOTE* Blue Lotus tea is not provided as part of the course. You will need to source and purchase your own. Please let me know if you would like some recommendations for sourcing your tea.
Some Background on Blue Lotus
Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is known as the “Flower of Enlightenment” or the “Dream Flower” and has been revered through time and across continents as a nervous system tonic, and a sacred plant which supports rejuvenation of intuition and sexual energy.
Once abundant in northern and central Africa, most notably throughout the Nile Delta, the Blue Lotus has been present in early Egyptian papyrus scrolls and was often depicted as an architectural motif in tombs. The sacred flower was known as the Mother of the sun god Ra and the lord of the underworld, Osiris, and was said to bring spiritual awakenings and invoke the gods. Its graceful opening at dawn, reaching to the sun in the day, and closing at sunset reflects the birth, life, and death cycles and perhaps this is part of the reason it’s such a symbol of rebirth and immortality.
As well as the recorded history in north-eastern, eastern, and southern Africa, there is also mention in Greece, Tibet, India and Rome, with First-Nations Australians using the whole plant for traditional medicine purposes and Women’s Business.
What’s in Blue Lotus?
Blue Lotus flowers contain anti-oxidant properties which help to protect from nervous system degradation. It also contains two main active alkaloids which both interact with the dopaminergic system: aporphine (which converts in the body to apomorphine) and nuciferine which together bring calming euphoria, and a natural relief from stress and anxiety.
(The neurotransmitter Dopamine regulates lots of functions a few of which include: movement/motivation, attention, insulin, mood, and gastrointestinal process.)
Apomorphine is found to improve motor function and slow down neurodegeneration, and supports neural growth. It can also slow down the breakdown of dopamine likely accounting for most of the psychoactive effects. Nuciferine has anti-inflammatory properties and can help with the pain-relieving effects of morphine.
Although Blue Lotus is psychoactive, like all Plant Medicines, its adaptogenic effects repair the body and target the areas needing healing whether that be mind, body, soul, or emotions. Many folks experience a calming, euphoric sensation, others a mildly stimulating effect, a relief from depression or anxiety, or an increase sexual vitality and libido.
As a Plant Spirit Medicine, microdosing Blue Lotus can deepen spiritual connection making it ideal for Intentional Dreaming and Soul work.
Do I need to have experience with Intentional Dreaming or Shamanic Journeywork to attend?
You don’t need to have experience with either of these as there are clear instructions given for Intentional Dreaming and most Spirit Journeys are guided.
What will I need for this course?
Here’s what you’ll need to gather for yourself. A Dream Journal of your choice. This is ideal for tracking and decoding your dreams. You’ll also need a pad of paper and pencil, a small area for your altar space, eye cover, a crystal or stone that are you connected to. (Further instructions will be given upon registration)
Will there be recordings of the sessions?
The Dreaming Community is a co-created sacred container of support with personal sharing and witnessing of our dreams and experiences, therefore privacy and confidentiality are key. Everyone will receive a weekly handout which will cover any instruction or tips shared in the group. There will be partial audio recordings (without any personal sharing of participants) available should you not be able to make one of the sessions.
I have Zoom fatigue and am sometimes shy to share. Is it a requirement to always have my camera on?
Upon registration you’ll receive a Zoom protocol that is deeply rooted in Self-Care practices. As a neurodivergent person with sensory sensitivites, I have needed to create a protocol to prevent Zoom fatigue and overwhelm myself. I provide many tips so you can best take care of yourself and still remain connected and engaged. Because this is a shared container, everyone (including you) brings wisdom that enriches the experience. Sharing insights and challenges also provides normalization of our intentional dreaming journey. It is never a requirement that you share outside of your comfort zone and no one is ever forced to speak. You are always free to pass.
Do you provide the Blue Lotus Tea?
Given the time of year and COVID, the postal service is very busy. Therefore, it’s best if you source your own and have it delivered straight to you. I am happy to recommend some suppliers.
What if I have questions outside of the circle time?
I always stay on the Zoom class call to answer questions for 20mins afterwards . I am also available through email in between classes.
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~ C.G. Jung