The Deep Dive Blog
Cáithnín (Irish: cah-neen): the goosebumps that arrive in the moments you contemplate how everything is interconnected, and just how tiny you are in amongst it all.
How to Clear Stagnant Energy to keep your Home Peaceful and Sweet
With shifting seasonal energies it’s important to consider the energy of your home and ensure you clear out stagnant energy to make space for the new. Here’s a simple Threshold Cleansing Ritual that when done regularly, say every 6-8 weeks, is a really efficient and powerful reset for your home’s energy, while bringing in protection, and placing intentions so your home remains fresh, refined, and sweet.
Sacred Intention Setting for the New Year
One of the first things I learned on the Shamanic path was the importance of intention. Whether it be heading into a Shamanic journey or ceremony, the Intention is the seed or beacon we plant so the Universe can respond. Here is an intention setting ceremony that can be used at any time of the year.