The Deep Dive Blog

Cáithnín (Irish: cah-neen): the goosebumps that arrive in the moments you contemplate how everything is interconnected, and just how tiny you are in amongst it all.

28 Important Questions to Help your Choices Around Plant Medicine

It’s important to remember that if you are considering a psychedelic experience or plant medicine ceremony, you are going to get vulnerable, you won’t be in control, and that could lead to either profound healing or a potential nightmare. If approached well however, plant medicine ceremonies and psychedelic experiences can be life-changing – even if they are really difficult! And if you want those experiences to actually bring change into your life, then you are going to have to digest and integrate them effectively and that will require you having adequate support to do so.

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animism, ritual, spirituality, earth medicine Angela Prider animism, ritual, spirituality, earth medicine Angela Prider

How Spiritual Guidance Brings Deep Meaning to Your Life

A key practice on the spiritual path of Animism is Spirit Journeying. By grounding into a clear and steady intention, we can learn to navigate the unseen realms and receive guidance and wisdom. Journeying can be a powerful practice for spiritual healing, emotional support, ancestral healing, psychedelic integration, microdosing, and dream interpretation.

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animism, wheel of the year, ritual, spirituality Angela Prider animism, wheel of the year, ritual, spirituality Angela Prider

How to Clear Stagnant Energy to keep your Home Peaceful and Sweet

With shifting seasonal energies it’s important to consider the energy of your home and ensure you clear out stagnant energy to make space for the new. Here’s a simple Threshold Cleansing Ritual that when done regularly, say every 6-8 weeks, is a really efficient and powerful reset for your home’s energy, while bringing in protection, and placing intentions so your home remains fresh, refined, and sweet.

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animism, wheel of the year, ritual, spirituality Angela Prider animism, wheel of the year, ritual, spirituality Angela Prider

How to Remain Enchanted and Buoyant through the Darkness of Winter

Here’s some ways you may encounter the darkness along with some spiritual salves and rituals to help you through:

You may notice layers or waves of grief and longing bubbling up. Gift yourself some time and space to allow the waves to move through. If it feels like the emotion is stuck, try journalling, listening to music, or watching a sentimental movie to get the tears flowing.

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