The Deep Dive Blog
Cáithnín (Irish: cah-neen): the goosebumps that arrive in the moments you contemplate how everything is interconnected, and just how tiny you are in amongst it all.
How to Remain Enchanted and Buoyant through the Darkness of Winter
Here’s some ways you may encounter the darkness along with some spiritual salves and rituals to help you through:
You may notice layers or waves of grief and longing bubbling up. Gift yourself some time and space to allow the waves to move through. If it feels like the emotion is stuck, try journalling, listening to music, or watching a sentimental movie to get the tears flowing.
Sacred Samhain Blessings
Deep Ancestral blessings to all your relations during this sacred Samhain season. At this time, I celebrate An Cailleach who is the Grandmother of the world and has appeared for thousands of years in many different cultures and many different forms.