Final Thoughts
Dear Beautiful Community,
Thank you so much for walking around and through the Medicine Spiral with me. I hope you will make this journey many times, and come to understand, experience, and locate yourself within it, and it within you, in any and all moments.
Here are some final thoughts now that you’ve not only been introduced to this sacred path, but also learned to play, dance, and walk with the Medicine.
First of all, it’s important to remember that you’re at your best at the Centre of the Medicine. This is where you’ll learn Sovereignty and how to engage with the world. One of the symbols of the Centre is the Throne of Sovereignty. Accepting the Spirit of Sovereignty, “taking your seat” in the Medicine requires your commitment and focus.
The Medicine of Sovereignty is one of the offerings to the world from the Spirit of the land of Ireland, and the greatest resource I have inherited from my Ancestors. Being of this medicine lineage means, these are your Ancestors too, and therefore this is your inheritance.
There may be many times when you wish to throw up your hands and walk away, or when you slip back to managing your life without the support or guidance of the Medicine, however, an important Blackfeet teaching is to stay before you leave. So do your best to stay with your commitment, continue to take your seat, and develop a truly reciprocal relationship with the Medicine.
Over time, you’ll get used to the vibration of the Throne and learn to survey the world from here. People will come to meet you here, at the Throne in the Centre of your Hearth, no matter where you are in the world. You’ll learn to engage with them from here because any compartmentalization that remains in your Medicine Hearth will be gone.
At the same time, there’ll also be a deeper orientation of you within your Medicine Hearth. Because you are diaspora with ancestors, teachers, and elders from many places, you’ll come to know your Medicine as a hybrid, a distillation, unique only to you. Be grateful for the many Universal threads, and remember that some of the best wine comes from a mixture of grapes, some of the best apple juice comes from a mixture of apples, and the strongest dogs come from mixed breeds. There is a true beauty and purpose in your unique medicine.
Allow your Medicine Hearth to speak to you, call on it continually in your day whenever you need assistance. Get used to approaching it with the attitude of play. Be open to allowing your own intuitive tracking. Explore and discover how it speaks to you of key energies such as the four directions, and remain flexible knowing that the Lía might change positions. Over time you will come to understand the structures of your Medicine Hearth, so then understand more deeply the structure of your Medicine as a whole, the structure of you. You will also come to embrace that the structure of your Medicine Hearth is indeed a holy structure.
Bless your hearth and bless your heart
Much love
LittleBird xo