Animistic Folk Medicine Practitioner Training (200hrs)
Your Harmonizing Presence in Roots of Tradition
Client Review Session #6
This deep and rigorous 200hr training is offered through invitation only. The Practitioner training is a deep weaving of earth and energy medicines: old Celtic folk healing, Andean energy medicine technologies, shamanic practices, Somatic processes, and Wisdom Teachings.
Please note that the program is limited to 12 students
Completion of Quintessential Revolution apprenticeship (3 years, unless otherwise decided by Angela)
Preference will be given to those who have completed (or are registered in) a minimum of Basic Counselling Skills
Attendance of at least 10 personal therapy/coaching/healing sessions or equivalent
Participants must fill out an application form, sign a waiver, and provide a handwritten letter describing why you want to take the training, as well as a description of the journey given to you.