I came to Soul-Care to Sovereignty after working on my professional life at a rampant pace for over a year and a half.  I was burning out and it was impacting every aspect of my daily world. I needed to figure out how to stop madly treading water, but more importantly why I was doing this and how I was going to make myself my first priority again. The Soul Retrieval ceremony was the first transformative piece. It was the shift I needed to start applying practical ways to truly nourish myself on a daily basis. Working with my altar and rituals, as well as prioritizing and fulfilling my essential needs through healthy personal boundaries also shifted me to a new level of self-love. The combination of bi-weekly sessions with Angela and the larger group, along with the printed materials has set me on a path to the work I’ve needed and wanted to do for a long time.

— Eileen, Entrepreneur

