The Essential Revolution


The Medicine Spiral’s Rites of Passage

Starts February 11 | 6pm - 8:30pm

All initiation involves life, death, and rebirth. Some initiation is conscious where we willingly let go of a way of being or stage of life. Other initiation arrives out of the blue, dragging us across the threshold so that all we knew is forever gone and we are forced to begin again.

Unlike the four seasonal directions that teach us how to live in each season of our life, the four ancient Celtic Fire Festivals teach us to navigate the initiatory thresholds or rites of passage between each season, so we can transcend and evolve from one stage of life to the next.

Welcome to Year 2 of the Essential Revolution Apprenticeship where we explore and integrate the wisdom and medicine of the 4 Rites of Passage which are Initiatory Gateways in our journey of life.

This is a year of deep reflection, healing, and practice as we lean into self compassion and embodiment of our quintessential nature while learning to expand our capacity for life’s inevitable initiations.

The journey of the second year is accompanied by the completion of your Medicine Hearth which will have an additional four Lía, grounding your connection to this powerful ally and the 7 Threads Medicine lineages.

As we meet the Threshold Keepers of Birth, Life, Harvest, and Death we will utilize Animist practices and rituals such as soul retrieval and ancestral healing to reclaim our personal power lost within incomplete rites of passage, bringing resolution and right order to our human development and evolution.

This year was about stepping deeper into the Medicine Spiral, strengthening my practice and really fortifying the ceremony of Sovereignty following the Four Fire Festivals. This year unbound spiritual holds I didn’t know I was carrying in my soul, and with Angela as the wayfinder, I was able to develop a more direct path to my wholeness. This work is so important and the life-death-rebirth cycle has blessed me in a way that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

— Janna P, Agassiz BC. Doula, Farmer, Mama

 Dates & Times

12 Online Gatherings | Tuesdays| 6:00pm - 8:30pm
(approximately one per month)

IMBOLC | Feb 11, Mar 11, Apr 15

BEALTAINNE | May 13, Jun 17, Jul 8

LUGHNASADH | Sept 2 + 23, Oct 7

SAMHAIN | Oct 28, Nov 25, Dec 9

You will Learn

medicine spiral showing wheel of the year and fire festivals of imbolc, beltaine, lughnasa, and samhain with triskell in Angela Prider's essential revolution animist apprenticeship

Our journey around the Medicine Spiral and through the Four Gateways of the Fire Festivals is rich and includes wisdom teachings and soul healing in alignment with the Four Rites of Passage of Birth, Adolescence, Mid-life, and Death. This is an opportunity to deepen and refine your Medicine through:

  • Four additional Lía to your Medicine Hearth, one per Gateway

  • Mast’ay and Offerings

  • Protection practices and sacred word medicine

  • Energy medicine and transmutation

  • Spirit Journeys and Embodiment Dance

  • Somatic practice

  • Soul Retrieval

  • Ancestral Healing

This year provided deeper refinement of the transformative journey in Year One. Learning about the Gateways and continuing to meet parts of myself, as well as the forces that support me, provided me with richer self-knowledge and confidence. The way Angela teaches really gave us approachable and practical skills to truly go forth from a Sovereign centre. The camaraderie of the group was so strong, creating an authentic and supportive community that we have all come to trust, nourish, and lean on.

— Pamela, North Vancouver. Lover of Nature, Mama

Course Overview



    Threshold of Earth to Air

    Illusion of Separation Between You and Other

    Protection: The Lorica

    Healing the Lessons of Childhood

    Coming into Relationship with the Spirit of Birth

    Lía of Birth / Imbolc

    Microdosing Cycle: Honey



    Threshold of Air to Fire

    Illusion of Separation Between Mind and Body

    Soul Retrieval

    Healing the Lessons of Adolescence

    Relationship with the Spirit of Fertility

    Lía of Life / Beltaine

    Microdosing Cycle: Rose



    Threshold of Fire to Water

    Illusion of Separation Between Image and Shadow

    Ancestral Healing: Prosperity

    Healing the Lessons of Mid-Life

    Relationship with the Spirit of Harvest

    Lía of Harvest / Lughnassad

    Microdosing Cycle: Rosemary



    Threshold of Water to Earth

    Illusion of Separation Between Life and Death

    Teachings of Death & Dying

    Healing the Lessons of Eldership

    Relationship with the Spirit of Death and Grief

    Lía of Death / Samhain

    Microdosing Cycle: Hawthorn

Working with Angela and the community has been a deeply rich and beautiful experience. I have long loved the Fire Festival and apprenticeship into the Cross Quarter gateways has been so rewarding. As we moved around the Medicine Spiral, each portal provided teachings and profound insights, along with change and skill building as we met our. life challenges throughout the year.

— Heather, Cortez Island. Creative, Dreamer

Tuition & Deposit


  • Approximately 40 hours of instruction in our online community container

  • Ongoing Whatsapp community space for instruction and feedback

  • 1:1 integration session with me to be used some time during the program

  • 20% discount for 1:1 online mentorship sessions (50mins)

  • Access to online resources connected to both Year 1 and Year 2 (updated regularly). The STUDENT SPACE is improving and being updated continuously to support your practice.

TUITION RATES: $1427 in full or $1527 in instalments

  • If you would prefer to pay in instalments, register with your $227 deposit and this will be followed with 10 consecutive instalments of $130

  • Tuition instalments start on March 01, 2025 and are automatically billed to your credit card on the 1st of the month in Canadian dollars.

  • Prices do not include tax

  • Thank you for understanding that the payment plan option is a binding contract and due whether you choose to complete the program or not.


If you are wishing to apply for the Animist Practitioner Apprenticeship, Year 2 is a pre-requisite so that you have a full Medicine Hearth to work with. Once you are accepted, you are welcome to a $500 discount with the Year 2 program and this will be included in your Practitioner tuition and instalments.