Heal Broken Heartedness with the Support of Hawthorn


I wanted to say thank you to the HAWTHORN tree so I created this Earth Offering. She asked for salt and honey, and so I knew I would be protected moving into the Fall and Winter, with also some sweetness in my world.

The Earth Offering was a way of bringing reciprocity as well because I went onto to collect the berries to make a heart elixir tonic.

As a member of the ROSE family, Hawthorn is a soothing Earth Medicine to heal broken heartedness, digestive and kidney problems, and also anxiety and high blood pressure.

I love that they’re guardians to the thin places and when I’ve sat and visited with them in many sacred temples in Ireland, the veil between this world and the Otherworld almost disappears.

Moving house 3 years ago was totally overwhelming, mostly because a few months later, my family faced great difficulty. By moving into many ceremonies of gratitude with the Land spirits and Ancestors here on unceded Tsleil Waututh territory, it didn't take long for an immense support to pour forward. This sacred healing space has allowed us all to heal.

Even though that first year was basically a blur of grief, just DEATH, and the second year presented a lot of hard work, healing and reforming - REBIRTH, now here in this third year, things have settled and blossomed into something unconventionally beautiful - LIFE.

Over these 3 years I’ve felt this humble Hawthorn stand guardian to us. Abundant with her red berries in Summer, gnarly, bare, and thorny in Winter, and glorious in Spring with her white blossoms.

Life - Death - Rebirth

Take a simple walk outside of your yard, and see who might be there in their most humble appearance. And see what happens if you begin to give simple, daily offerings, like an incense stick for example.

You are always being supported - always!


From Isolation to Connected Support: Soul Healers Circle


Sacred Intention Setting for the New Year