Conscious Microdosing - Part 3
It’s very easy to find all of the amazing reasons to microdose and I agree with all of them. Like anything though it may be for you, or it may not be for you YET!
“I see the mycelium as the Earth’s natural Internet, a consciousness with which we might be able to communicate. Through cross-species interfacing, we may one day exchange information with these sentient cellular networks.”
Here’s an overview of some of my experience both personally and in working with others in somatic and shamanic spaces.
Let me say, that I’m not an expert but just sharing what I know.
There’s not really any longitudinal research on microdosing over long periods, so it’s suggested to not do it for longer than 3 months. This is mostly because there’s a risk around cardiovascular health and the use of MDMA and the same receptor being activated with psilocybin. So potentially there could be negative effects cumulatively. This still isn’t clear.
If you have PTSD/CPTSD, are dissociative, have panic attacks, high anxiety or periods of paranoia, or you’re ultra-sensitive or can get really neurotic, I’d suggest you see a good somatic therapist for a sesh or two first. This way you can assess your nervous system as a container and whether there’s room for the stimulation and potentially transient anxiety that may come. I’ve written a more detailed post here.
If there’s a history of psychosis with you or in your family - same thing.
Glaucoma or eye conditions: There’s some research out there about pupillary dilation and hallucinogens, although I think this is more correlated with macrodosing.
Pregnancy: If I was pregnant I wouldn’t. Many traditional teachings understand that a woman is more open and powerful during pregnancy, so essentially we are already amplified.
Sleep issues can sometimes be exacerbated because of the increase in serotonin.
Migraines: Many people report their migraines improving. My experience has been the opposite because there’s actually a small subset of people whose migraines are triggered by serotonin fluctuations. Balancing things out with melatonin may help.
If you’re in the midst of spiritual emergency or initiation think twice. That may be enough on its own. If you are working with a teacher or Elder, then ask them first.
I welcome your questions.
Read Microdosing & PTSD Part 4 here